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Chapter Elections


This is an election year for Local 121RN Chapter Officers (i.e., President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Board Representatives) at each hospital or facility consistent with Local 121RN’s By-Laws. Chapter officers elected this year will serve for a three-year term, beginning at the first Executive Board meeting of 2025.

Chapter Elections Results The results of the union-wide chapter elections are in. For a listing of elected chapter officers by hospital, click the link below.

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May 1: Nomination petitions for the offices of Chapter Officers and Executive Board Representatives have been sent via email to SEIU 121RN members, at the email addresses we currently have on file.

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Please make note of the following important dates in the election process.

May 1, 2024Nomination petition distributed via email, website and union bulletin board posts at all facilities.
May 30, 5:00 pmSubmission deadline for nomination petitions with valid signatures.
May 30 - May 31Election committee will review nomination petitions for eligibility. Nominees will be notified of their eligibility by 5:00 pm on May 31.
June 3, 4:00 pmDeadline for nominees to appeal determination of ineligibility by elections committee, and replace signatures of ineligible nominators.
June 4, 3:00 pmElection Committee will meet with all candidates via video conference.
June 5 – July 630-day period for nominees to inspect membership list for their bargaining unit.
July 8Ballots mailed to eligible voters. (Voters who do not receive ballots must request replacement ballot by July 22.)
August 1Ballots to be counted at SEIU 121RN Pasadena headquarters. Election results will be posted on by 5:00 pm.
August 16Deadline to file election protests and appeals.

Visit Election Process for detailed election rules, information, and updates.

SEIU Local 121RN Chapter Elections Campaign Terms and Process

Chapter Officers/Executive Board Representatives

Details of the SEIU Local 121RN Chapter Officers and Executive Board Representative nomination and election process. Learn more about the following:

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