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Why Support COPE?

May 23, 2024

"Our efforts ensure that the system works for SEIU 121RN members and our patients—not against us."

"Our efforts ensure that
the system works for SEIU
121RN members and our
patients—not against us."

Julia Arceo, 36-year RN &
Committee Member

"I proudly donate to the SEIU 121RN
COPE fund, and I actively participate in our
union's political program. Why? Because
I know that my support helps us win!

At the bargaining table, on the picket
line, and in Sacramento, our union takes
on the greedy corporations that put
their profits before our patients' safety.
These entrenched healthcare interests
are powerful, and we need the support of
elected officials to fight them effectively.

Through our COPE program, we work
to elect leaders that value Nurses and
other Healthcare Professionals. COPE
also helps us educate members, win
strong healthcare legislation, and
push legislators to hold the California
Department of Public Health and our
hospitals accountable to the law.
Our efforts ensure that the system
works for SEIU 121RN members and
our patients—not against us."