We're excited to offer following continuing education class, on a topic of ever-increasing importance, In Patient Classification System (PCS), instructor Lynn Unruh (Phd, RN, LHRM) will review issues regarding patient acuity, Nurse workload and staffing needs, and patient classification systems. This class is open to all members, and Nurses can earn free CEs!
See the the full class description and our registration form here, or RSVP via email to greyb@seiu121rn.org. (If registering via email, please to include your full name, hospital and unit, BRN number and phone number.) This training will take place at our Pasadena offices.
We hope you'll join us!
Patient Classification System (PCS)
Staffing and Acuity Systems
Friday, September 23, 2022
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
For details and to register, click here.