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SEIU 121RN General Election

September 21, 2019

September 16 to October 21, 2019


If you did not receive your ballot, please call Donalda Dunnett at (626) 639-6163 or email at

Ballots were mailed to all members on September 16th. You will need to put a stamp on the return envelope. Please follow the directions printed on both the return envelopes and on the secret ballot envelope. Ballots must be received at the P.O. Box by 9 A.M. on October 21, 2019 and will be counted the same day. You will be voting for a President, a Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer. The delegate positions are unopposed so there is no vote required for them.

The officers and delegates official term begins in January 2020.


President: Choose one of two (2) candidates.

Gayle BatisteGayle Batiste, RN, CNOR (Northridge)

  1. President SEIU121RN
  2. Member of the Executive Committee of the SEIU National Nurse Alliance.
  3. SEIU Nurse Alliance Disaster Relief Chair: I helped to organized aid and funding for Haiti, Sandy, Philippines, and Nepal
  4. Member of the SEIU Division Leadership Board
  5. Member of SEIU CA. State Council and Executive Committee
  6. Nurse Alliance of CA. Steering Committee Member
  7. Member Association Of Operating Room Nurses.
  8. Served on the Northridge Union Bargaining Committee, Patient Care Committee and Labor/Management Committee.
  9. Lobbied in Sacramento and Washington D.C. for patient care and practice issues as well as testifying for the need for a Workplace Violence Prevention program as a Cal/OSHA standard.
  10. SEIU Glenda Canfield award 2014.
  11. State of California Woman of the Year Assembly District 45, 2017

My goal is to continue on the path to better contracts and a safer working environment for all healthcare workers; creating opportunities to grow new leaders in our facilities by developing more stewards; organizing non-union nurses to give them a voice in their workplace and to have the security of having good paying jobs with benefits. I will continue to advocate for quality patient care for our patients and our profession at the City, County, State and Federal level. When institutions fail the standard of care, we must amp up our vigilance and report them.

Another goal is for our nurses to become politically active. Collectively, we have a powerful voice: let’s use it. We can all make a difference no matter which party we belong to.

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President. I look forward to serving another term.

Gayle Batiste, RN



Click here for a printable version of this flyer.

Nina WellsDr. Nina Wells, DNP, MSN-NE, RN, PHN (St. John’s Regional Medical Center):

I am running for the President of Local 121RN. Having advanced my professional and clinical education, I am now seeking this appointment in order to further advance the interests of all Local121RN members.

I am employed by Dignity Health/St. John’s Regional Medical Center in Ventura County for the past 15 years. I have served as a Clinical Educator in the Nursing Education department for the past seven years. I also have a clinical background in various areas, such as: Med-surg, Tele, Peds, and Radiology Nursing.

Prior to being employed by Dignity, I did not know much about the union. However, at the beginning of my employment, I was introduced to the union and learned rather quickly the importance of having a union. Since then, I have served in many roles in the Local:

It is my belief that each member brings value to our local. True advocacy requires empathy, dignity and a reciprocated respect. Workplace incivility is on the rise across the nation and, as union members, we are in a unique position to push for changes. Contributing to such changes takes time, energy and courage.

I know this role brings great responsibility and, as an organization, we are held to many professional standards which require ethical and legal duties. As a union, we need to exercise a level of care, diligence, and skill as referenced in the business code for professional practice.

If given this opportunity, I will stand for nurses, their work environment and professional practice issues. I believe there are opportunities for positive changes in the Local’s future.

Thank you for your consideration,

Dr. Nina Wells, DNP, MSN-NE, RN, PHN

Nina flyer

Vice President: Choose one of two (2) candidates.

Sydnie BoylanSydnie Boylan, RN, CWS (HPMC):

I have been a Telemetry RN at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical center for the past 5 years. Prior to this, I was a Rehabilitation RN at Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital in Bakersfield. I have recently become a Certified Wound Specialist to better serve my patients and my hospital.

My second year at HPMC, my union representative encouraged me to be a part of the bargaining team; prior to that, I just thought of the union as taking money out of my paycheck. However, after working with my representative and fellow RNs on bargaining our contract, I was hooked. I was able to see and participate firsthand in the mission and responsibility of the union. I quickly became a union steward and made it my mission to educate my fellow nurses on the union and our new contract.

I then became the president of my chapter at HPMC and worked with the representative to get restarted our hospital-based committees to improve patient care and nurse satisfaction. For the past several years, I have been on the Executive board of 121 RN and attend monthly meetings to discuss the priorities and goals of the local. As an Executive board member, I am very vocal on issues of nurse/professional protections and representation at the hospital level. In addition, assuring that our dues money is being used responsibly to protect and support our nurses and processionals legislatively and at the hospital level.

In California, the strong relationship with nurses and their unions has allowed for legislation that no other state has with regards to nurse protections and nurse patient ratios. I strongly believe if we continue to work together with 121RN, we will continue to elevate the nursing profession here in California and throughout the country.

Kerry CavazosKerry Cavazos RN (RCH):

Chapter President for Riverside community hospital. I have been a registered nurse for 29 years. For the first 11 years as a new grad, I started in the open-heart surgery ICU at Loma Linda University Medical Center.

For 20 years, I have been the manager of the Centricity Perinatal “CPN” documentation system for the development of the electronic medical record.

I currently work in labor and delivery, for 18 years, celebrating new life with women across spectrum.

During the last 3 years, I have been a member of the bargaining team and I have represented our members at one of the largest HCA hospitals in the union.

I support the vision of SEIU 121RN and believe that together we can and together we will.


Click here for a printable version of this flyer.

Secretary/Treasurer: Choose one of two (2) candidates.

Monique HernandezMonique Hernandez, RN, BSN (RCH)

I currently work as Charge Nurse at Riverside Community Hospital in Telemetry and have been a nurse for 11 years. I serve on the Labor – Staffing Committee, the Telemetry Professional Practice Committee and the CNO monthly meetings. As a steward, I have represented nurses, written and won grievances and am a representative to the SEIU 121RN Executive Board. I come from a family of union activists and am proud to be part of the Local.

Professionally, I am committed to mentoring our new hires and new grads. I have also lobbied in Sacramento to help pass legislation to make our practice stronger.


Caroline JacksCaroline Jacks, RN (PTMC):

I have been employed at Providence Tarzana Medical Center for 31 years. The past 27 years, I have been a proud member of 121 RN on Med/Surg, CVU, and currently as a Charge Nurse in Labor and Delivery.

After 22 years working nights, I transferred to day shift, where I had the opportunity to become more involved with the Union, initially by attending our Patient Care Committee then the interim chapter Secretary/Treasurer; then I became Vice President of the chapter, a Bargaining Team Member, as well as an Executive Board member.

As an Executive Board member, I have reviewed the budget and participated in decisions that will benefit the Local as a whole. I have fought for complete transparency in the use of the member’s dues money by SEIU 121RN leadership and employees. This includes providing members with the highest level of ethical behavior while exercising all leadership decisions and financial dealings on members’ behalf such as:

I take it as a personal responsibility to make sure that members’ dues are being used in a responsible manner to further the Local’s strength by supporting our RNs and Professionals, organizing more hospitals, and having our voices heard in Sacramento and Washington. Fiduciary responsibility is the cornerstone to an effective Union, which I will champion. I am committed to making sure that your Local builds strength as a professional and member driven organization.

Caroline Jacks flyer

Election Committee:

Kathleen Gregg Providence Tarzana Medical Center

Kathy Montanino Riverside Community Hospital

Election Company: MK Election Services, LLC

Note: If you have questions, call Donalda Dunnett at (626) 639-6163 or email at

None of the campaign materials posted on this site are endorsements for any particular candidate by SEIU 121RN. All materials posted were provided by each candidate.