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The tax plan underway in D.C. — add your voice as we demand better!

December 5, 2017

Nurses, teachers, adjunct professors, airport workers and other hardworking Americans are rising up against the current tax plan that gives tax breaks to millionaires, billionaires and corporations at the expense of working families. Congressional leaders should be doing more to ensure working families—of all backgrounds—have access to good jobs, affordable quality healthcare and education, and a clear pathway to citizenship. Instead of doing the right thing for our families, these leaders are pushing a tax bill that takes money from working people to pay for their giveaways for large corporations and the wealthiest few.

Under the current proposed tax plan, working families face the threat of losing good jobs, access to quality education, healthcare and affordable housing. In two years, families earning less than $30,000 would be worse off under this disastrous tax plan.

The tax bill pays for tax cuts for wealthy corporations and millionaires by ripping vital healthcare away from 13 million Americans.

The tax bill not only makes it harder for working parents to get ahead in today’s economy, it snatches opportunities away from America’s children.

The tax bill ignores the vital contributions immigrant and refugee families make to our country.

Congressional leaders want us to believe that cutting taxes for millionaires and corporations will help all Americans, but we know better.

Tell Congress to vote NO on tax giveaways for billionaires and giant corporations: 855-173-0060