Our team kicked off face-to-face negotiations with management on Wed., April 10. The first order of business is the discussion of non-economic issues.
Although non-economic issues don’t gain the same kind of attention as a wage increase or other compensation-related language, they are just as important. Think of non-economic language as the foundation that holds our workplace together in an organized, concrete manner. Raises, differentials, benefits and other compensation complete the package and keep dedicated and experienced employees at Tarzana.
Since we know that negotiating the monetary aspects of a contract captures everyone's attention, we save those for last.
“There really is a method to our madness,” says Chapter President and Bargaining Team member Jim Owen. “Most people automatically think of raises or Clinical Ladder when it comes to contract negotiations, but those are just a part of our contract. The bulk of our agreement with management contains language outlining how our day-to-day workplace operates. If you think about it, this is just as important as money.” These issues include scheduling, discipline, new hires, time off, and floating.
Highlights of our Union Proposal to Management
- Employees who are on a leave of absence with an active expected return date to be allowed to apply for a posted position.
- Once a position has been posted and qualified employees have applied, the hospital will award the position within 14 days.
- Hospital must have cause to place employees on an investigatory suspension.
- Per diem shifts to be equitably distributed.
- Employees allowed to request time off prior to current maximum of 90 days ahead.
- Extra shift understanding and call-off per past practice to go in the contract.
- Float cluster is Peds/PICU. If NICU, Peds/PICU/Nursery wish to float, they may if they agree.
- No subcontracting of bargaining unit work!