[caption id="attachment_1781" align="alignleft" width="183" caption="Nanette Logan, RN"][/caption]
SEIU 121RN Secretary-Treasurer Nanette Logan, a registered nurse at Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center, was elected Vice President of the Ventura County Chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) at the chapter's March 6 meeting.
AACN Chapters provide a local forum to assist critical care nurses in meeting the challenges and demands of their profession and caring for the critically ill through networking, communication, education and research.
Chapters support the mission and vision of AACN, and work to further advance the key initiatives of Certification, Healthy Work Environments and the prestigious Beacon Award in their communities. The Los Robles Critical Care Unit (CCU) won a Beacon Award in 2010.