As far as Providence Tarzana management’s concerned, it’s their way or the highway. Our Union proposal to management on August 4, 2011 was based on what we were told by management previously at the bargaining table. But suddenly, the information changed.
We proposed significant cost savings and they used our ideas … to propose further cutbacks, without making the proposed changes. What’s this about? It’s about making money for the corporate office at all costs – making money off of employees, off of patients, and off of our community, with no regard for what is the right thing to do for EVERYONE.
What’s left on the table?
Elements of our healthcare costs will likely increase.
Wage Scales & Step Raises
Management offered to continue step raises from August 1, 2011 through July 1, 2012, but refuses to extend step raises after that.
Don’t let management take away our right to negotiate a fair contract. The Hospital is talking about impasse and imposing their last offer. Our Union does not feel this is the case, but management wants to cry impasse so they can impose the contract they want without our permission.
Now is the time for all members to step up.
We are planning an Informational Picket and need members to walk the line. Watch for the date and time coming soon!