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United For Quality Care

SEIU Local 121RN is a powerful voice for patient, Nurse and Healthcare Professional safety in California. We use our collective voice and united strength to advocate—through legislation, contract negotiations, patient advocacy and community partnerships—for #SafeStaffing levels, adequate equipment and resources, workplace violence protections and other critical issues affecting hospital safety.

United For Quality Care

Union Difference

Learn more about what it means to have a union backing your work.

Member Voices

Our members' testimonies, from the frontlines of patient care.

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Union Updates

Read our most recent Union updates here!

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Member Benefits

We know that the real benefit of being in a union is having a say over our working conditions, pay and benefits.

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Work With Us

Join our team to build power for Registered Nurses and Healthcare Professionals!


Chapter Elections

Click here for detailed election rules, information, and updates.

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